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Orange Shirt Day 2022 | National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Vancouver

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 2022

orange lighting up clouds on a sunset
We will be observing Stat hour this Friday, Sep 30th in honour of Truth and Reconciliation Day (10am-6pm).
We'll also be donating 10% of sales in store and online to the Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society:
The mandate of the centre is to meet the needs of the urban Aboriginal People making a transition to the urban community. The centre provides programs in health and welfare, social services, human rights, culture, education, recreation and equality for all genders of Aboriginal People of all age groups.

We encourage everyone to take the time to read the 94 Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. These are actionable items for the government and other sectors to begin the healing process. You can see the Yellowhead Institute's annual report for an update on progress on these calls to action.

Some additional stories to help you learn and take action can be found below.


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