Building Your Dog's First Aid Kit
Summer is here and that means lots of fun adventures outside! Many of us come prepared with our own first aid kit, but if your dog is joining you, they... -
Taking your dog camping for the first time? Here is everything you need to know
Summertime is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate the warm weather than taking a camping trip with your dog. Being properly prepared is key to making... -
Dog dental hygiene: what you need to know
Dog dental hygiene is often overlooked which can cause serious pet health issues. Here are our pet experts’ top tips to take care of your dog's oral health. -
Senior Dog Dental Health Tips
How to Clean Your Senior Dog's Teeth Without Anaesthesia Most senior dogs have some sort of dental disease, however there are challenges to dental cleanings. Often vets or owners are not... -
Picky Dog? Try these steps! [article + video]
We have a lot of clients with picky dogs. It’s a frustrating experience, especially since dogs are supposed to be food motivated! Isn’t that sort of the point? Apparently mini... -
Should you soak your dog's food?
Our #1 cheap tip for maximizing nutrition is to ADD MOISTURE. If you’re feeding dry foods like kibble or baked, soak it! Kibble contains 10% water, whereas meat and vegetables contain... -
Rotating Proteins: Why and How We Suggest You Switch It Up!
Does your dog eat the same protein week after week? We highly recommend switching your dog’s main protein at least monthly, if not more often. There are a few reasons, read on to see why! -
Preparing for a Stressful Day [video]
Watch our video with tips on making those stressful days positive for your dog. -
Tips for Stressful Days
Spooky Season has arrived Do you have a plan or coping skills for your dog on potentially stressful days? Halloween can be a big issue for dogs, but this guide... -